هنرور: ذیلا به شاهکار امام محمد غزالی، کتاب مشهور و مؤثر امام محمد غزالی، احیاء علوم الدین دسترسی کامل و جامعی حواهید داشت؛ مشتمل بر چندین نشر و ویرایش انتقادی متن عربی که احادیث ویرایش اخیر آن و حتی حکایات و کلمات و امثال آن استخراج شده و ارجاعاتی واجد است که در چاپ های رایج در ایران احیانا نمی بینید، مضافا چندین ترجمه ی فرانسوی و آلمانی و انگلیسی و مواد مرتبط دیگر.
این کتاب هر چند که کاملا بر مشرب اهل سنت و از منظر اشعری نگاشته شده و افراط های صوفیه نیز بر آن سیطره یافته، اما کماکان به نظر می رسد که اثرگذارترین و خوش خوان ترین کتاب اخلاقی در جهان اسلام است و دقیقا به همین سبب که بدیلی و رقیبی برایش پیدا نمی شده، ملامحسن فیض کاشانی با حریت تحسین برانگیزی به جای تلاش برای رقابت، به بازنویسی همان اثر با ملاحظه و مقارنه ی منابع شیعی پرداخته و به اصطلاح حوزوی آن را "تحریر" کرده (تحریر یعتی بازنویسی با ضوابط و مبانی متفاوت از آنچه حاکم بر تالیف و مولف است، مانند تحریر الوسیله ی آیة الله خمینی که بارنویسی وسیلة النجاة سید ابو الحسن اصفهانی است و تحریر تمهید القواعد ابن ترکه به قلم آیة الله جوادی آملی دام ظله) و آن را "المحجة البیضاء في تهذیب الاحیاء" نامیده است که بحمد الله به نحو مناسبی از سوی انتشارات جامعه ی مدرسین به طبع رسیده و ترجمه ی فارسی قابل قبولی از آن نیز با نام "راه روشن" منتشر شده است که در نرم افزار نور های نور نیز در دسترس است.
البته یادآوری می شود که خود امام غزالی ترجمه گونه ای و به تعبیر بهتر گزارشی از احیاء علوم الدین به فارسی به دست داده است که ترجمه ای فرهنگی نیز می باید تلقی گردد، چه آنکه به حسب انس و ذوق خواننده ای فارسی زبان در ابیات مورد استشهاد و تشبیهات و حکایات و ضرب المثل ها از اصلش تفاوت و تمایز یافته؛ این کتاب را همگی اقلا از دریچه ی برخی درس های متون ادبیات فارسی دبیرستان می شناسیم: کیمیای سعادت.
ترجمه ای به غایت درست و روان و خواندنی از خود کتاب سترگ احیاء علوم الدین به اهتمام مرحوم علامه ی فقید و مجهول القدر، استاد خدیو جم منتشر گشته و هنوز هم در بازار کتاب یافتنش امکان پذیر است.
کتابی بسیار دقیق و عمیق و تفکر بر انگیز و به نحو شگفت آوری تحقیقی و مستند و در عین حال پرکشش و شیوا از شادروان استاد زرین کوب به نام "فرار از مدرسه" به نظر این کمترین، افقی وسیع و فراتر از آنچه راه گشای غزالی خوانی است، در فراروی خواننده می گشاید و دغدغه های روشنفکرانه ی کهنی از قبیل فاصله و غربت اهل فکر از عوام الناس و نوستالژی روزمرگی و ساده دلی را نیز در روزگاران دور روایت می کند که کمتر از نوشتارهای هم سوی امثال آندره ژید، توماس مان در تونیو کروگر و یا ماکس فریش در رمان شتیلر، عمیق و جذاب و چالش برانگیز نیستند.
سرانجام هم "المنقذ من الضلال" غزالی برای ما ایرانیان که از مواجهه با خویش ترسان و گریزانیم و از حکایت و روایتش ناتوانیم و عاجز، یقینا درس هایی در بر دارد که دیری است فراموش کرده ایم، ورنه ناصر خسرو نیز در همین زمان با همه ی تفاوت مشربش و این حقیقت که غزالی بر او ردیه و او بر غزالی ردیه می نویسد، اما در صداقت و سلامت ، سخت به او نزدیک و ماننده است و با "قولوا الحق ولو علی انفسکم" سفرنامه اش را می آغازد، الا که نکته ای باریک تر ز مو در میان است؛ ناصر از دنیاپرستی و هرزگی و باده گساری توبه می کند که هر چند کاری است دشوار، اما خوشگوار و روشن و خالی از ابهام و تردید است، چون میان حق و باطل انتخاب کردن دو گزینه اند در دو سوی که هر یک نقیض دیگری است و انتخاب حق به مفهوم امحای باطل و فاصله گرفتن از آن است، اما غزالی از فقیهی با ورع و درست کار به صوفیی متفکر و مستقل در فکر جهش می کند و اینجا میان مراتب حق انتخاب و ارتقا می افتد و هم معیارها و هنجارها و حد و حدود شک و راه رهایی از آن به سان یک متدولوژی پژوهیده می شود که یادآور "دیسکورس" دکارت است و هم که از پس آن به تأملاتی همانند تاملات وی روی می آورد و دغدغه اش گذر از باطل به حق نیست، که احقاق حق حق و تطبیق حقیقت بر مصادیق آن است، امری که نه گواراست و نه آزمون پذیر و ابطال پذیر و بنابرین حسرت یقین و حیرت و سرگردانی همواره همراه می ماند و گام به گام و به تدریج از درون کوه حقایق مثالی و تمثالی و پیکره ای و گوهری بیرون تراشیده می شود که هیچ به گذشتن و گزیدن شبیه نیست، بل اشبه به گذاشتن و آوردن و آفریدن است. تماشاگه رهاورد و دست آورد این تلاش های دردناک، احیاء علوم الدین است و شاید یک جذابیت آن در هعمین خودساخته و خودسوخته بودن نویسنده اش باشد و در الهام ها و الگوهایش برای خودسوزی و خودسازی. به هر حال بزرگان ما نیز به سالکان راه آشنا تر و استوار در باورها و پایدار در گروش ها و گرایش ها توصیه ی این کتاب را می نمودند، چنانکه استاد فقیدم حضرت علامه ی طهرانی قدس الله نفسه الزکیة از متوسطات کتب معراج السعادة و کیمیای سعادت را و از مطولات احیاء العلوم و المحجة البیضاء را توصیه می نمود و گویا که در این امر به استادش مرحوم علامه ی طباطبایی تأسی می نمود.
تصویری کلی از حاصل کار فیض کاشانی و نمونه هایی از تفاوت احیاء با تهذیب آن را سال ها پیش دکتر سروش در مقاله ای موسوم به "جامه ی تهذیب بر تن احیاء" به نحوی شیرین و روان ارایه نموده بود که به نظرم در تفرج صنع یا قصه ی ارباب معرفت قرار گرفته باشد. تردیدهایم را این بار چشم پوشی کنید که حالم مساعدت نمی کند و ان شاء الله لینک های لازمه و ویرایش متن این یادداشت، استدراک و جبران می شود به تدریج.

The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn) is widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality, and is perhaps the most read work in the Muslim world, after the Qurʾān.
The Revival of the Religious Sciences is divided into four parts, each containing ten chapters. Part one deals with knowledge and the requirements of faith—ritual purity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, recitation of the Qurʾān, and so forth; part two concentrates on people and society—the manners related to eating, marriage, earning a living, and friendship; parts three and four are dedicated to the inner life of the soul and discuss first the vices that people must overcome in themselves and then the virtues that they must strive to achieve. Below are details of the contents of the books, translations (mainly into English) and a link to the original Arabic here for the first time on the internet.
The Revival of the Religious Sciences is divided into four parts, each containing ten chapters. Part one deals with knowledge and the requirements of faith—ritual purity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, recitation of the Qurʾān, and so forth; part two concentrates on people and society—the manners related to eating, marriage, earning a living, and friendship; parts three and four are dedicated to the inner life of the soul and discuss first the vices that people must overcome in themselves and then the virtues that they must strive to achieve. Below are details of the contents of the books, translations (mainly into English) and a link to the original Arabic here for the first time on the internet.
- Overview of the Iḥyāʾ by Ḥajī Khalifa (In Arabic)
- Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn: In Arabic for the first time with takhrīj (ḥadīth verification) by Ḥāfiẓ al-ʿIrāqī (Word files).
- Books of the Iḥyāʾ in translation:
First Quarter: Acts of worship (Rubʿ al-ʿibadāt)
- Book 1: Book of knowledge (Faris' text)
- English translation by N. A. Faris (PDF).
- English translation that was a PhD thesis at Hartford Seminary by W. McCall (1940). (See item # 30 for details)
- Turkish translation (PDF) 18 mb
- Book 2: Foundations of Belief. English translation by N. A. Faris (in HTML and PDF).Review of the Faris translation by Watt (in 1964). Also Turkish Translation (PDF) 8.76 mb
- Book 3: Mysteries of Purity. English translation by N. A. Faris (PDF). Also edited word file-nearly complete. - Turkish Translation (PDF) 4.76 megs
- Book 4: Mysteries of Worship. English translation by E. E. Caverley (also in PDF).
- Book 5: Mysteries of Zakat (Charity). (Word file) English Translation by N. A. Faris (alsoPDF)
- Book 6: Mysteries of Fasting. English translation by N. A. Faris (PDF)
- Book 7: Mysteries of Pilgrimage. English translation by I. Umar (AUC [Thesis 340]: 1975 M.A. dissertation) (html) (Author's complete) Proof reading by S. Sharafi courtesy of Nur! Thank you both, you guys are great! (PDF) Also another Arabic edition, M. A. ʿAlī:PDF
- Book 8: Etiquette of Qurʾānic Recitation. English translation by M. Abul Quasem (PDF)
- Book 9: On Invocations and Supplications. English translation by K. Nakamura (ITS description).
- Book 10: On the Arrangements of Litanies and Divisions of the Night Vigil. It has been translated and in currently in production.
Second Quarter: Norms of Daily Life (Rubʿ al-ʿadat)
- Book 11: On the Manners Related to Eating. English translation by D. Johnson-Davies. (ITS description)
- Book 12: On the Etiquette of Marriage:
- Arabic original (Word file format only!) with ḥadīth verifications.
- English translation* by the late M. Farah. Also in PDF
- Another English translation The Proper Conduct of Marriage in Islām (Ādāb an-Nikāḥ) Book Tweleve of Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm ad-Dīn by M. Holland: Al-Baz Publishing (1998), 99p.
- Persian translation (from Kimiya-i-Saʿadat) (Persian PDF)
- French translation (from Algiers) (French PDF)
- German translation: Hans Bauer: Al-Ghazālī. Das Buch der Ehe. Kitab adabi n-nikah. Das 12. Buch der Iḥyaʾ ʿulum ad-din. Übersetzt und kommentiert von Hans Bauer (Kandern, Spohr, 2005).
- Book 13: On the Etiquette of Acquisition and Earning a Livelihood.
- Book 14: The Lawful and Prohibited (Complete English translation by Y. T. DeLorenzo, forthcoming from ITS)
- Book 15: On the Duties of Brotherhood. Partial translation by M. Holland. (cover-image) (Arabic edition partial outtakes PDF)
- Book 16: On the Etiquette of Seclusion.
- Book 17: On the Etiquette of Travel (English translation forthcoming)
- Book 18: On Music and Singing. Translated by D. B. MacDonald in three parts (PDF) Part I + II + III, published as Music and Singing by IBT Books, Kuala Lumpur, 2009, 139pp. ISBN: 9789675062230.
- Book 19: On Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil. Partial translation in Michael Cook's Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 427-459.
- Book 20: Etiquette of Living and the Prophetic Mannerism: (E-text) rtf (rich text file- word) or (PDF)
Third Quarter: The Ways to Perdition (Rubʾ al-muhlikat)
- Book 21: The Marvels of the Heart.
- Complete English translation by W. J. Skellie (PhD thesis (PDF), Hartford Seminary—published edition (Fons Vitae March 2010). N.B. that Skellie translated the edition that was published by Zabidi in his commentary on the iḥyāʾ which has slight variations from the standard Cairo edition. These have been restored in the Fons Vitae edition.
- Partial translation in Freedom and Fulfillment by McCarthy (Boston: Twayne, 1980), pp. 363–382;
- Reprinted (Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae, n.d.), pp. 309–325;
- Also in Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism by John Renard (New York: Paulist Press, 2004), pp. 298–326.
- Also published as Wonders of the Heart (Malaysia: IBT, 2007), without the complete translator's introduction and notes; includes an index and publishers note.
- Book 22: On Disciplining the Soul. English translation by T. J. Winter (ITS description).
- Book 23: On Breaking the Two Desires.
- English translation by T. J. Winter. (ITS description)
- English translation by C. Farah. (HTML E-text) (PDF)
- Book 24: Defects of the Tongue
- Book 25: Condemnation of Rancor and Envy
- Book 26: Condemnation of the World
- Book 27: Condemnation of Miserliness and Condemnation of the Love of wealth.
- Book 28: Condemnation of Status and Ostentation. Translation of its Arabic Summary.
- Book 29: Condemnation of Pride and Conceit. Currently being translated (into English) by M. Rustom (at the University of Toronto).
- Book 30: Condemnation of Self-Delusion.
Fourth Quarter: The Ways to Salvation (Rubʿ al-munjiyat)
- Book 31: On Repentance. English Translation by M. S. Stern. (E-text) (PDF)
- Also available in (unedited word file)
- Part I is now available in html.
- German translation: Books 31–36: Richard Gramlich, Muhammad al-Gazzālīs Lehre von den Stufen zur Gottesliebe : die Bücher 31-36 seines Hauptwerkes. Eingel., übers. u. komment. von Richard Gramlich (Wiesbaden, Steiner, 1984).
- Book 32: On Patience and Thankfulness. English translation by H. T. Littlejohn. (ITS description).
- Book 33: On Fear and Hope. English translation by W. McKane (E-text) (PDF). Also incomplete edited word file. Also reviewed by Watt in 1964. (pdf)
- Book 34: On Poverty and Abstinence. English translation by A. F. Shaker. (ITS description)
- Book 35: Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence.
- English translation by D. Burrell. (Published by Fons Vitae) Review of the English translation (PDF): Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. XV, no. 1 (January 2004); David B. Burrell: Al-Ghazālī: Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence by Ayman Shihadeh, 78-80.
- German: Hans Wehr, Al-Gazzālī's Buch vom Gottvertrauen. Das 35. Buch des Ihyaʾ ʿulum ad-dīn. Übers. u. mit Einl. u. Anm. vers. v. Hans Wehr. Halle: Niemeyer, 1940.
- Book 36: On Love, Longing, Intimacy and Contentment. (English Translation forthcoming, E. Ormsby). For German see above #31.
- Book 37: On Intention, Sincerity, and Truth.
- Edited Arabic PDF. Edited Arabic MS word.
- English translation by A. F. Shaker (ITS description).
- German translation by Hans Bauer, Islamische Ethik. Nach den Orignalquellen übersetzt und erläutert. Heft 1: Über Intention, Reine Absicht und Wahrhaftigkeit. (das 37. Buch von Al-Ġazālī) (pdf )
- Book 38: On Holding Vigil and Self-Examination. (English translation forthcoming)
- Book 39: On Meditation.
- Book 40: On the Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife. English translation by T. J. Winter (ITS description)
- Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife. (E-text)
- Sample of the book. (PDF) courtesy of the publisher.
- SUMMARY: There are many summaries of the Iḥyāʾ, though only a handful are published; the others remain in manuscript form. For more information about the summaries of theIḥyāʾ in Arabic, see this short article (Arabic html).
- Summary by Aḥmad al-Ghazālī (pdf) Lubab al-iḥyāʾ, published here as Mukhtaṣar Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn. The publisher claims that it is by Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī, though I believe this is incorrect (PDF)
- The Iḥyāʾ was summarized in a book entitled Minhaj al-qaṣidīn by Ibn al-Jawzī (d. 597 AH/1201 CE), which was further summarized in Mukhtaṣar minhaj al-qaṣidin by Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī (d. 620 AH/1341 CE). (link Arabic HTML). This book has been widely distributed and reprinted several times, one of which by Dār al-Khayr, Damascus, 1998; with ḥadīth verification by M. W. Salman and A. A. H. Abulkhair (PDF) also other editions are available: ʿA. Ḥ. M. Darwish edition:PDF, S. ʿĀref edition: PDF, ʿA. Ḥ. ʿA. Ḥalabī edition: PDF, and ʿA. Q. al-ʾArnāouṭ edition: PDF, and Z. Shāwīsh edition: PDF)
- Tahẓib muʿaẓat al-muʾmineen, Jamal al-Dīn al-Qasimi, n.p. n.d. (PDF)
- The latest attempt at summarizing the Iḥyāʾ comes from Saliḥ Aḥmad al-Shami, al-Muhaẓab min iḥyaʾ ʿulum al-dīn, 2 vols. (Beirut: Dār al-Qalam, 1993). Sample translation (link) Also another edtion is available from Dār ibn al-Qayīm: PDF.
- While others are reworked summaries, such as Saʿid Ḥawwa's attempt: al-Mustakhlaṣ fī tazkiyat al-anfus (Cairo: Dar al-Salam, 1984). (PDF)
- Printed Edition:
- First printed edition: Būlaq, 1269/1853: al-Juzʾ al-awwal (- al-juzʾ al-rābiʻ) min Kitāb iḥyāʾ ʻulūm al-dīn / taʾlīf Abī Ḥāmid Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī. - [Cairo : s.n.], 1269 [1853] - 4 v. in 2 ; 33 cm. - See sample pdf
- First India printed edition by offset (ḥajrīya): Iḥyāʾ al-ʻulūm fī arabaʻ mujalladāt / li-hujat al-Islām Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī. [Lucknow] : Niwal Kishūr, 1863. - See sample pdf. bi Ihitimam Muḥammad ʻAlī Mumtaz: 1280/1863; vol1 and vol2 in pdf facimile. Note that volume 2 is missing the last page.
- A facsimile of a standard edition. This is perhaps the best edition; it was published ʿIsa al-Babī al-Ḥalabī wa Awladahu and reprinted by Dār Iḥyāʾ al-Kutub al-ʿArabiyya with an introduction by Dr. Badawi Ṭabana in 1957; this was then known as the Ṭabana edition.
- Dār al-Shaʿab, Cairo 19?? edition in 16 parts in 4 volumes: (link)
- Volume 1 (parts 1- 4) (PDF)
- Volume 2 (parts 5 - 8) (PDF) - alternate Volume 2 (PDF)
- This is now available in complete PDF facimile at Internet Archive:cover-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16.
- Modern printed edition with additional ḥadīth verification by A. Tamer in 5 volumes:
- Another printed edition in 4 volumes:
- Another printed edition in 5(?) volumes:
- Another printed edition in 5 volumes: Iḥyāʾ ʻulūm al-dīn - taṣnīf al-Imām Abī Ḥāmid Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī. Wa-bi-dhaylihi kitāb al-Mughnī ʻan ḥaml al-asfār fī al-asfār fī takhrīj mā fī al-Iḥyāʾ min al-akhbār. Miṣr : al-Maktabah al-Tijārīyah al-Kubrá, [195-?]
- COMMENTARY: one commentary (sharḥ) of al-Iḥyaʾ exists by Murtaḍā al-Zabīdī's [d. 1791]Itḥaf al-sada al-muttaqīn bi sharḥ iḥyāʾ ʿulum al-dīn. Cairo 1894 in 10 large volumes (Sample extract introduction PDF). This work is still in print in facsimiles of this edition as well as well as a newly re-typeset edition. Note that the link provided is for the complete 1894 edition.
- Defense: As many were critical of al-Ghazālī there were as many if not more who rallied to his defense:
- In his own defense, al-Ghazālī wrote: al-Imlāʾ fī ishkalat al-iḥyāʾ (Notes on issues of theIḥyāʾ) printed as an appendix in some editions of the Iḥyāʾ (pdf)
- ʿAbd al-Qādir al-ʿAydrūs, Taʿarif al-aḥyāʾ bi faḍʾil al-iḥyāʾ (Introducing the living to the benefits of the Iḥyāʾ) printed as an appendix in some editions of the Iḥyāʾ (pdf). Note the pun in the title, which is, of course, intentional.
- al-Suyūṭī, Tashyad al-ʾarkan fī "laysa min al-imkan ʾabdaʿ min maʾ kān (Fortifying the foundations of [the statement] "the best of all possible worlds" ) printed as an appendix in some editions of the Iḥyāʾ (PDF). Note also this was part of a study done in Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over Al-Ghazālī's "Best of All Possible Worlds" by Eric L. Ormsby (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984).
- Unknown author: Risala fi bayan faḍil iḥyāʾ ʿulum al-dīn (mss in al-Azhar number 1956 [majami 91] folios 76-86).
- Unknown author: Risala fi al-rad ʿala min ʿatraḍa ʿala al-ghazālī fi qawlihi ana al-musabibat ratabat ʿala al-ʾasbab (mss in Dar al-Kutub al-misriyya [majami 210])
- Refutations: This work has generated some heated discussions mostly revolving around the traditions that al-Ghazālī included here but also about some of his statements.
- Ibn al-Jawzī (d. 597 AH) iʿlam al-aḥyaʾ bi aghlat al-iḥyāʾ (not printed and no known mss copies)
- al-Dhahabi mentioned that Abū al-Ḥasan b. Sukar wrote Iḥyāʾ mayit al-aḥya fi al-rad ʿala kitab al-iḥyāʾ (not printed and no known mss copies)
- Aḥmad b. Munir al-Iskandarī (d. 1284) wrote al-Ḍiyaʾal-mutalali fi taʿqub al-iḥyāʾ lil ghazālī as mentioned by Zabīdī (in commentary above) vol. 1. p .33, ln 10) (not printed and no known mss copies)
- A Shiʿa 'recension': under the title: al-Maḥajjah al-bayḍā' fī tahdhīb al-Iḥyāʾ by Muḥammad b. al-Murtaḍa al-madʿū bi-al-Mawla Muḥsin al-Kāshānī (d. 1681) (sample PDF)
- Fatawas (judicial decrees) by scholars and these are too many list or know but Ibn Taymiyya is known to have written one as well as al-Ṭarṭushi. Even in modern times there have been fatwās issued by Saudi ʿulamāʾ. A typical critique along those lines is by ʿA. R. Dimashqīya: PDF.
- List of Personalities mentioned in the Iḥyāʾ.
- Islamic Text Society: Al-Ghazālī Series (link)
- Translations from Fons Vitae. (website and navigate to Ghazali section)
- Turkish translation of the Iḥyāʾ.
- Urdu translation of the Iḥyāʾ (link)
- Sufi Review of Iḥyāʾ (link)
- Mawlana Fazil Karim's Summarized English translation from the Urdu translation. (Complete summary edition online)
A growing number of Arabic manuscripts are now available online.
- King Saud University manuscript collection. A link to one such ms copied in 12th cen AH by ʿA. A. Kanānī, a partial ms. More manuscripts are available here: link2, link3, link4, link5,link6, link7, link8, link9, and a summary here, Mukhtaṣar Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn: link10.
- Princeton University Library, has a complete copy of the ihya but it is not available onlineyet! we can hope.
- Illuminated manuscript. (scanned from the Tunisian National Archives).
- Manuscripts from Turkey.
- List of Iḥyāʾ manuscripts from Badawi (Arabic word file with minor additions by M. Hozien in red), original entry in PDF
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* Site © Copyright 2004-8 by Muhammad Hozien. All rights reserved. This site is dedicated to academic study of Imam abu Hamid al-Ghazālī. Individual content may have its own individual copyrights. See copyright information.
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