۱۳۸۹ تیر ۲۵, جمعه

What is political Islamism? « Political Islamism

What is political Islamism? « Political Islamism
The “rise of movements and ideologies drawing on Islamic referents—terms, symbols and events taken from the Islamic tradition—in order to articulate a distinctly political agenda.” Guilain Denoeux 2002
“The doctrine and/or movement which contends that Islam possesses a theory of politics and the State.” Nazih Ayubi 1992
“The attribution to Islam of an inherently political dimension.” Armando Salvatore 1999
“Ideas and programmes of socio-political transformation based on Islam.” Sami Zubaida 2000
“[Political Islamists] are Muslims who do not necessarily accept received understandings of the Islamic tradition as the ultimate determinants of contemporary Muslim identity and practice. Rather, they self-consciously seek to refashion that tradition in response to the challenges – however defined – faced by their community and to mobilize Muslim sentiment and identity in support of their vision of a proper Islamic society.” Joel Beinin 2004
“A political programme for capturing power within a Muslim country and changing its official policy to conform to religious tenets such as Sharia.” Meghnad Desai 2007
“[Political Islamists posit] that Islam as a body of faith has something important to say about how politics and society should be ordered in the contemporary Muslim World and who seeks to implement this idea in some fashion.” Graham Fuller 2003
“Islam as a modern ideology and a political program.” Martin Kramer 2003
“The belief that Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life.” Sheri Berman 2003
“[Political Islam is] the ideology that guides society as a whole and that law must be in conformity with the Islamic sharia.” William Shepard 1996
“A movement that seeks cultural differentiation from the West and reconnection with the pre-colonial symbolic universe.” François Burgat 1993
“The organised political trend, owing its modern origin to the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 1928, that seeks to solve modern political problems by reference to Muslim texts.” Fred Halliday 2006
“The active assertion and promotion of beliefs, prescriptions, laws or policies that are held to be Islamic in character.” Bernard Lewis 1988
“A movement of Muslims who draw upon the belief, symbols, and language of Islam to inspire, shape, and animate political activity. May contain moderate, tolerant, peaceful Islamists or those who preach intolerance and espouse violence.” Robert H. Pelletreau Jr. 1996
“Islam used to a political end.” Are Knudsen 2003
“Islam as political ideology rather than as a religious or theological construct.” Mohammed Ayoob 2004
“Political Islam is the attempt to create an Islamic state.” Olivier Roy 2003
“A comprehensive political, spiritual and personal world-view defined in opposition to all that is non-Islamic.” Noah Feldman 2003

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